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Reasons Why We Rule
"Bloated Corpses Work Best"


Artist's Commentary


I still vividly remember the moment we came up with the idea for this comic, even though it occurred 13 years ago.  Justin and I were invited to come swim by a friend who lifeguarded at a local pool.  There we were, minding our own business when suddenly we were attacked by a horde of young children.


...Perhaps it's best I let the past version of myself recount the horrors, as the events were still fresh in his mind:


A Blast From The Past...

Original Commentary - 6/28/2002

"...Out of nowhere, little kids were jumping onto our backs, demanding piggyback rides while others poured water from bottles onto our heads.  As we flung bodies from our backs, others still would splash as another pretended to be a Pokemon, spitting water from his mouth right into mine (I still forgot to thank the kid who did that to me).


It was hellish, and that is when we thought of using bodies as floating devices.  The problem is in order for a corpse to bloat, it needs to spend a nice amount of time underwater, and little kids tend to get feisty when they want air, so we never did get a corpse that day.


Oh well…there’s always tomorrow."

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