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“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”.

                                                                                           ~Thomas Merton

Matt Frankenfield is a graphic artist specializing in portraiture and cartooning.


He studied graphic design for three years until he acquired his degree in Commercial Digital Design.


During the times of his studies, he also launched & ran the popular webcomic Reasons Why We Rule with longtime friend Justin Moyer.  Here, he balanced his regular college deadlines with a webcomic that updated three times a week.


He was also a regular contributor of guest comics to other established webcomics, where his submissions were often recognized for their sarcasm and wit.


After his graduation, he quickly found a job at Premier Signs as their graphic specialist.  He has been working there for over 15 years, where he regularly creates layouts & designs for their clientele.


In his "off" time, Matt enjoys doing artwork for both leisure and for freelanced commissions.


He currently lives in southeastern Pennsylvania with his wife and two sons.

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